Audaspace 1.6.0
A high level audio library.
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Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 CBarrierThis represents a barrier mechanism for thread sychronization
 CBufferThis class is a simple buffer in RAM which is 32 Byte aligned and provides resize functionality
 CAnimateablePropertyThis class saves animation data for float properties
 CConvolverThis class allows to convolve a sound with a very large impulse response
 CDeviceManagerThis class manages all device plugins and maintains a device if asked to do so
 CDeviceSpecsSpecification of a sound device
 CDynamicMusicThis class allows to play music depending on a current "scene", scene changes are managed by the class
 CExceptionGeneral exception base class
 CFFTConvolverThis class allows to easily convolve a sound using the Fourier transform
 CFFTPlanThas class represents an plan object that allows to calculate FFTs and IFFTs
 CFileManagerThe FileManager manages all file input and output plugins
 CFileWriterAble to create IWriter classes as well as write readers to them
 CHRTFThis class represents a complete set of HRTFs
 CHRTFLoaderThis loader provides a method to load all the HRTFs in one directory, provided they follow the following naming scheme: Example: L-10e210a.wav The first character refers to the ear from which the HRTF was recorded: 'L' for a left ear and 'R' for a right ear
 CI3DDeviceThe I3DDevice interface represents an output device for 3D sound
 COpenALDeviceThis device plays through OpenAL
 CSoftwareDeviceThe software device is a generic device with software mixing
 CI3DHandleThe I3DHandle interface represents a playback handle for 3D sources
 CSoftwareDevice::SoftwareHandleSaves the data for playback
 CIDeviceFactoryThe IDeviceFactory interface opens an output device
 CIDynamicIIRFilterCalculatorThis interface calculates dynamic filter coefficients which depend on the sampling rate for DynamicIIRFilterReaders
 CButterworthCalculatorCalculates fourth order Butterworth low pass filter coefficients for a dynamic DynamicIIRFilter
 CHighpassCalculatorCalculates high pass filter coefficients for a dynamic DynamicIIRFilter
 CLowpassCalculatorCalculates low pass filter coefficients for a dynamic DynamicIIRFilter
 CIFileInputThe IFileInput interface represents a file input plugin that can create file input readers from filenames or buffers
 CFFMPEGThis plugin class reads and writes sounds via ffmpeg
 CSndFileThis plugin class reads and writes sounds via libsndfile
 CIFileOutputThe IFileOutput interface represents a file output plugin that can write files
 CFFMPEGThis plugin class reads and writes sounds via ffmpeg
 CSndFileThis plugin class reads and writes sounds via libsndfile
 CIHandleThe IHandle interface represents a playback handles of a specific device
 CSoftwareDevice::SoftwareHandleSaves the data for playback
 CILockableThis class provides an interface for lockable objects
 CIDeviceThe IDevice interface represents an output device for sound sources
 CSequenceDataThis class represents sequenced entries to play a sound scene
 CSequenceEntryThis class represents a sequenced entry in a sequencer sound
 CWASAPIDeviceThis device plays back through WASAPI, the Windows audio API
 CImpulseResponseThis class represents an impulse response that can be used in convolution
 CIReaderThis class represents a sound source as stream or as buffer which can be read for example by another reader, a device or whatever
 CBinauralReaderThis class represents a reader for a sound that can sound different depending on its realtive position with the listener
 CBufferReaderThis class represents a simple reader from a buffer that exists in memory
 CConvolverReaderThis class represents a reader for a sound that can be modified depending on a given impulse response
 CDoubleReaderThis reader plays two readers sequently
 CEffectReaderThis reader is a base class for all effect readers that take one other reader as input
 CFFMPEGReaderThis class reads a sound file via ffmpeg
 CModulatorReaderThis reader plays two readers with the same specs in parallel multiplying their samples
 CMutableReaderThis class represents a reader for a sound that can change with each playback
 COpenALReaderThis class is used for sine tone playback
 CSawtoothReaderThis class is used for sawtooth tone playback
 CSequenceReaderThis reader plays back sequenced entries
 CSilenceReaderThis class is used for silence playback
 CSineReaderThis class is used for sine tone playback
 CSndFileReaderThis class reads a sound file via libsndfile
 CSquareReaderThis class is used for square tone playback
 CSuperposeReaderThis reader plays two readers with the same specs in parallel
 CTriangleReaderThis class is used for sawtooth tone playback
 CVolumeReaderThis class represents a reader for a sound that has its own shared volume
 CISoundThis class represents a type of sound source and saves the necessary values for it
 CBinauralSoundThis class represents a sound that can sound different depending on its realtive position with the listener
 CConvolverSoundThis class represents a sound that can be modified depending on a given impulse response
 CDoubleThis sound plays two other factories behind each other
 CEffectThis sound is a base class for all effect factories that take one other sound as input
 CEqualizerThis class represents a sound that can be modified depending on a given impulse response
 CFileThe File sound tries to read a sound file via all available file inputs that have been registered in the FileManager class
 CModulatorThis sound plays two other factories, playing them the same time and modulating/multiplying them
 CMutableSoundThs class allows to create MutableReaders for any sound
 CSawtoothThis sound creates a reader that plays a sawtooth tone
 CSequenceThis sound represents sequenced entries to play a sound scene
 CSilenceThis sound creates a reader that plays silence
 CSineThis sound creates a reader that plays a sine tone
 CSoundListThis class allows to have a list of sound that will play sequentially or randomly with each playback
 CSpecsChangerThis sound is a base class for all mixer factories
 CSquareThis sound creates a reader that plays a square tone
 CStreamBufferThis sound creates a buffer out of a reader
 CSuperposeThis sound mixes two other factories, playing them the same time
 CTriangleThis sound creates a reader that plays a triangle tone
 CVolumeSoundThis class allows to create a sound with its own volume
 CISynchronizerThis class enables global synchronization of several audio applications if supported
 CCoreAudioSynchronizerThis class is a Synchronizer implementation using a CoreAudio clock
 CDefaultSynchronizerThis class is a default ISynchronizer implementation that actually does no synchronization and is intended for devices that don't support it
 CJackSynchronizerThis class is a Synchronizer implementation using JACK Transport
 CIWriterThis class represents a sound sink where audio data can be written to
 CFFMPEGWriterThis class writes a sound file via ffmpeg
 CSndFileWriterThis class writes a sound file via libsndfile
 CMixerThis abstract class is able to mix audiosignals with same channel count and sample rate and convert it to a specific output format
 CPlaybackCategoryThis class represents a category of related sounds which are currently playing and allows to control them easily
 CPlaybackManagerThis class allows to control groups of playing sounds easily
 CPluginManagerThis manager provides utilities for plugin loading
 CQuaternionThis class represents a quaternion used for 3D rotations
 CRingBufferThis class is a simple ring buffer in RAM which is 32 Byte aligned and provides functionality for concurrent reading and writting without locks
 CSourceThis class stores the azimuth and elevation angles of a sound and allows to change them dynamically
 CSpecsSpecification of a sound source
 CStreamInfoSpecification of a sound source
 CThreadPoolThis represents pool of threads
 CVector3This class represents a 3 dimensional vector
 CVolumeStorageThis class stores a volume value and allows to change if for a number of sounds in one go