Audaspace 1.6.0
A high level audio library.
CAccumulator | This sound creates an accumulator reader |
CADSR | The ADSR effect implements the Attack-Delay-Sustain-Release behaviour of a sound |
CADSRReader | This class is an ADSR filters |
CAnimateableProperty | This class saves animation data for float properties |
CBarrier | This represents a barrier mechanism for thread sychronization |
CBaseIIRFilterReader | This class is a base class for infinite impulse response filters |
CBinauralReader | This class represents a reader for a sound that can sound different depending on its realtive position with the listener |
CBinauralSound | This class represents a sound that can sound different depending on its realtive position with the listener |
CBuffer | This class is a simple buffer in RAM which is 32 Byte aligned and provides resize functionality |
CBufferReader | This class represents a simple reader from a buffer that exists in memory |
CButterworth | This sound creates a butterworth lowpass filter reader |
CButterworthCalculator | Calculates fourth order Butterworth low pass filter coefficients for a dynamic DynamicIIRFilter |
CCallbackIIRFilterReader | This class provides an interface for infinite impulse response filters via a callback filter function |
CChannelMapper | This sound creates a reader that maps a sound source's channels to a specific output channel count |
CChannelMapperReader | This class maps a sound source's channels to a specific output channel count |
CConverter | This sound creates a converter reader that is able to convert from one audio format to another |
CConverterReader | This class converts a sound source from one to another format |
CConvolver | This class allows to convolve a sound with a very large impulse response |
CConvolverReader | This class represents a reader for a sound that can be modified depending on a given impulse response |
CConvolverSound | This class represents a sound that can be modified depending on a given impulse response |
CCoreAudioDevice | This device plays back through CoreAudio, the Apple audio API |
CCoreAudioSynchronizer | This class is a Synchronizer implementation using a CoreAudio clock |
CDefaultSynchronizer | This class is a default ISynchronizer implementation that actually does no synchronization and is intended for devices that don't support it |
CDelay | This sound plays another sound delayed |
CDelayReader | This class reads another reader and delays it |
CDeviceException | Used for error cases in connection with devices, which usually happens when specific features or requests cannot be fulfilled by a device, for example when the device is opened |
CDeviceManager | This class manages all device plugins and maintains a device if asked to do so |
CDeviceSpecs | Specification of a sound device |
CDouble | This sound plays two other factories behind each other |
CDoubleReader | This reader plays two readers sequently |
CDynamicIIRFilter | This sound creates a IIR filter reader |
CDynamicIIRFilterReader | This class is for dynamic infinite impulse response filters with simple coefficients that change depending on the sample rate |
CDynamicMusic | This class allows to play music depending on a current "scene", scene changes are managed by the class |
CEffect | This sound is a base class for all effect factories that take one other sound as input |
CEffectReader | This reader is a base class for all effect readers that take one other reader as input |
CEnvelope | This sound creates an envelope follower reader |
CEqualizer | This class represents a sound that can be modified depending on a given impulse response |
CException | General exception base class |
CFader | This sound fades another sound |
CFaderReader | This class fades another reader |
CFFMPEG | This plugin class reads and writes sounds via ffmpeg |
CFFMPEGReader | This class reads a sound file via ffmpeg |
CFFMPEGWriter | This class writes a sound file via ffmpeg |
CFFTConvolver | This class allows to easily convolve a sound using the Fourier transform |
CFFTPlan | Thas class represents an plan object that allows to calculate FFTs and IFFTs |
CFile | The File sound tries to read a sound file via all available file inputs that have been registered in the FileManager class |
CFileException | Used for error cases in which files cannot be read or written due to unknown containers or codecs |
CFileManager | The FileManager manages all file input and output plugins |
CFileWriter | Able to create IWriter classes as well as write readers to them |
CHighpass | This sound creates a highpass filter reader |
CHighpassCalculator | Calculates high pass filter coefficients for a dynamic DynamicIIRFilter |
CHRTF | This class represents a complete set of HRTFs |
CHRTFLoader | This loader provides a method to load all the HRTFs in one directory, provided they follow the following naming scheme: Example: L-10e210a.wav The first character refers to the ear from which the HRTF was recorded: 'L' for a left ear and 'R' for a right ear |
CI3DDevice | The I3DDevice interface represents an output device for 3D sound |
CI3DHandle | The I3DHandle interface represents a playback handle for 3D sources |
CIDevice | The IDevice interface represents an output device for sound sources |
CIDeviceFactory | The IDeviceFactory interface opens an output device |
CIDynamicIIRFilterCalculator | This interface calculates dynamic filter coefficients which depend on the sampling rate for DynamicIIRFilterReaders |
CIFileInput | The IFileInput interface represents a file input plugin that can create file input readers from filenames or buffers |
CIFileOutput | The IFileOutput interface represents a file output plugin that can write files |
CIHandle | The IHandle interface represents a playback handles of a specific device |
CIIRFilter | This sound creates a IIR filter reader |
CIIRFilterReader | This class is for infinite impulse response filters with simple coefficients |
CILockable | This class provides an interface for lockable objects |
CImpulseResponse | This class represents an impulse response that can be used in convolution |
CIReader | This class represents a sound source as stream or as buffer which can be read for example by another reader, a device or whatever |
CISound | This class represents a type of sound source and saves the necessary values for it |
CISynchronizer | This class enables global synchronization of several audio applications if supported |
CIWriter | This class represents a sound sink where audio data can be written to |
CJackDevice | This device plays back through JACK |
CJackSynchronizer | This class is a Synchronizer implementation using JACK Transport |
CJOSResample | This sound creates a resampling reader that does Julius O |
CJOSResampleReader | This resampling reader uses Julius O |
CLimiter | This sound limits another sound in start and end time |
CLimiterReader | This reader limits another reader in start and end times |
CLinearResample | This sound creates a resampling reader that does simple linear resampling |
CLinearResampleReader | This resampling reader does simple first-order hold resampling |
CLoop | This sound loops another sound |
CLoopReader | This class reads another reader and loops it |
CLowpass | This sound creates a lowpass filter reader |
CLowpassCalculator | Calculates low pass filter coefficients for a dynamic DynamicIIRFilter |
CMixer | This abstract class is able to mix audiosignals with same channel count and sample rate and convert it to a specific output format |
CModulator | This sound plays two other factories, playing them the same time and modulating/multiplying them |
CModulatorReader | This reader plays two readers with the same specs in parallel multiplying their samples |
CMutableReader | This class represents a reader for a sound that can change with each playback |
CMutableSound | Ths class allows to create MutableReaders for any sound |
CNULLDevice | This device plays nothing |
COpenALDevice | This device plays through OpenAL |
COpenALReader | This class is used for sine tone playback |
COpenCloseDevice | This device extends the SoftwareDevice with code for running mixing in a separate thread |
CPingPong | This sound plays another sound first normal, then reversed |
CPipeWireDevice | This device plays back through PipeWire, the simple direct media layer |
CPitch | This sound changes the pitch of another sound |
CPitchReader | This class reads another reader and changes it's pitch |
CPlaybackCategory | This class represents a category of related sounds which are currently playing and allows to control them easily |
CPlaybackManager | This class allows to control groups of playing sounds easily |
CPluginManager | This manager provides utilities for plugin loading |
CPulseAudioDevice | This device plays back through PulseAudio, the simple direct media layer |
CQuaternion | This class represents a quaternion used for 3D rotations |
CReadDevice | This device enables to let the user read raw data out of it |
CResampleReader | This is the base class for all resampling readers |
CReverse | This sound reads another sound reverted |
CReverseReader | This class reads another reader from back to front |
CRingBuffer | This class is a simple ring buffer in RAM which is 32 Byte aligned and provides functionality for concurrent reading and writting without locks |
CSawtooth | This sound creates a reader that plays a sawtooth tone |
CSawtoothReader | This class is used for sawtooth tone playback |
CSDLDevice | This device plays back through SDL, the simple direct media layer |
CSequence | This sound represents sequenced entries to play a sound scene |
CSequenceData | This class represents sequenced entries to play a sound scene |
CSequenceEntry | This class represents a sequenced entry in a sequencer sound |
CSequenceReader | This reader plays back sequenced entries |
CSilence | This sound creates a reader that plays silence |
CSilenceReader | This class is used for silence playback |
CSine | This sound creates a reader that plays a sine tone |
CSineReader | This class is used for sine tone playback |
CSndFile | This plugin class reads and writes sounds via libsndfile |
CSndFileReader | This class reads a sound file via libsndfile |
CSndFileWriter | This class writes a sound file via libsndfile |
►CSoftwareDevice | The software device is a generic device with software mixing |
CSoundList | This class allows to have a list of sound that will play sequentially or randomly with each playback |
CSource | This class stores the azimuth and elevation angles of a sound and allows to change them dynamically |
CSpecs | Specification of a sound source |
CSpecsChanger | This sound is a base class for all mixer factories |
CSquare | This sound creates a reader that plays a square tone |
CSquareReader | This class is used for square tone playback |
CStateException | Used for error cases of sounds or readers with illegal states or requirements for states of dependent classes |
CStreamBuffer | This sound creates a buffer out of a reader |
CStreamInfo | Specification of a sound source |
CSum | This sound creates a sum reader |
CSuperpose | This sound mixes two other factories, playing them the same time |
CSuperposeReader | This reader plays two readers with the same specs in parallel |
CThreadedDevice | This device extends the SoftwareDevice with code for running mixing in a separate thread |
CThreadPool | This represents pool of threads |
CThreshold | This sound Transforms any signal to a square signal by thresholding |
CTriangle | This sound creates a reader that plays a triangle tone |
CTriangleReader | This class is used for sawtooth tone playback |
CVector3 | This class represents a 3 dimensional vector |
CVolume | This sound changes the volume of another sound |
CVolumeReader | This class represents a reader for a sound that has its own shared volume |
CVolumeSound | This class allows to create a sound with its own volume |
CVolumeStorage | This class stores a volume value and allows to change if for a number of sounds in one go |
CWASAPIDevice | This device plays back through WASAPI, the Windows audio API |