55 friend class OpenALDevice;
57 static const int CYCLE_BUFFERS = 3;
63 std::shared_ptr<IReader> m_reader;
75 ALuint m_buffers[CYCLE_BUFFERS];
102 OpenALDevice* m_device;
109 OpenALHandle(
const OpenALHandle&) =
110 OpenALHandle& operator=(
const OpenALHandle&) =
121 OpenALHandle(OpenALDevice* device, ALenum format, std::shared_ptr<IReader> reader,
bool keep);
123 virtual ~OpenALHandle() {}
124 virtual bool pause();
125 virtual bool resume();
127 virtual bool getKeep();
128 virtual bool setKeep(
bool keep);
129 virtual bool seek(
double position);
130 virtual double getPosition();
131 virtual Status getStatus();
134 virtual float getPitch();
135 virtual bool setPitch(
float pitch);
136 virtual int getLoopCount();
137 virtual bool setLoopCount(
int count);
138 virtual bool setStopCallback(
stopCallback callback = 0,
void* data = 0);
141 virtual bool setLocation(
const Vector3& location);
143 virtual bool setVelocity(
const Vector3& velocity);
145 virtual bool setOrientation(
const Quaternion& orientation);
146 virtual bool isRelative();
147 virtual bool setRelative(
bool relative);
148 virtual float getVolumeMaximum();
149 virtual bool setVolumeMaximum(
float volume);
150 virtual float getVolumeMinimum();
151 virtual bool setVolumeMinimum(
float volume);
152 virtual float getDistanceMaximum();
153 virtual bool setDistanceMaximum(
float distance);
154 virtual float getDistanceReference();
155 virtual bool setDistanceReference(
float distance);
156 virtual float getAttenuation();
157 virtual bool setAttenuation(
float factor);
158 virtual float getConeAngleOuter();
159 virtual bool setConeAngleOuter(
float angle);
160 virtual float getConeAngleInner();
161 virtual bool setConeAngleInner(
float angle);
162 virtual float getConeVolumeOuter();
163 virtual bool setConeVolumeOuter(
float volume);
174 ALCcontext* m_context;
194 bool m_checkDisconnect;
199 std::list<std::shared_ptr<OpenALHandle> > m_playingSounds;
204 std::list<std::shared_ptr<OpenALHandle> > m_pausedSounds;
209 std::recursive_mutex m_mutex;
214 std::thread m_thread;
259 OpenALDevice(
const OpenALDevice&) =
260 OpenALDevice& operator=(
const OpenALDevice&) =
274 virtual ~OpenALDevice();
277 virtual std::shared_ptr<IHandle>
play(std::shared_ptr<IReader> reader,
bool keep =
278 virtual std::shared_ptr<IHandle>
play(std::shared_ptr<ISound> sound,
bool keep =
The default playback buffer size of a device.
Definition Audaspace.h:103
Closes the audaspace namespace aud.
Definition Audaspace.h:119
#define AUD_LOCAL
Used for hiding symbols from export in the shared library.
Definition Audaspace.h:80
Opens the audaspace namespace aud.
Definition Audaspace.h:116
Used for exporting symbols in the shared library.
Definition Audaspace.h:94
The DefaultSynchronizer class.
Defines the I3DDevice interface as well as the different distance models.
Possible distance models for the 3D device.
Definition I3DDevice.h:35
Defines the IHandle interface as well as possible states of the handle.
Status of a playback handle.
Definition IHandle.h:31
void(* stopCallback)(void *)
The stopCallback is called when a handle reaches the end of the stream and thus gets stopped.
Definition IHandle.h:42
This class is a simple buffer in RAM which is 32 Byte aligned and provides resize functionality.
Definition Buffer.h:34
This class is a default ISynchronizer implementation that actually does no synchronization and is int...
Definition DefaultSynchronizer.h:34
The I3DDevice interface represents an output device for 3D sound.
Definition I3DDevice.h:53
The I3DHandle interface represents a playback handle for 3D sources.
Definition I3DHandle.h:39
The IDevice interface represents an output device for sound sources.
Definition IDevice.h:47
The IHandle interface represents a playback handles of a specific device.
Definition IHandle.h:49
This class enables global synchronization of several audio applications if supported.
Definition ISynchronizer.h:39
virtual void setListenerLocation(const Vector3 &location)
Sets the listener location.
static std::list< std::string > getDeviceNames()
Retrieves a list of available hardware devices to open with OpenAL.
static void registerPlugin()
Registers this plugin.
virtual ISynchronizer * getSynchronizer()
Retrieves the synchronizer for this device, which enables accurate synchronization between audio play...
virtual void unlock()
Unlocks the previously locked device.
virtual void setDistanceModel(DistanceModel model)
Sets the distance model.
virtual std::shared_ptr< IHandle > play(std::shared_ptr< IReader > reader, bool keep=false)
Plays a sound source.
virtual Vector3 getListenerVelocity() const
Retrieves the listener velocity.
virtual void lock()
Locks the device.
virtual DistanceModel getDistanceModel() const
Retrieves the distance model.
virtual void setListenerOrientation(const Quaternion &orientation)
Sets the listener orientation.
OpenALDevice(DeviceSpecs specs, int buffersize=AUD_DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE, const std::string &name="")
Opens the OpenAL audio device for playback.
virtual Vector3 getListenerLocation() const
Retrieves the listener location.
virtual Quaternion getListenerOrientation() const
Retrieves the listener orientation.
virtual float getSpeedOfSound() const
Retrieves the speed of sound.
virtual void stopAll()
Stops all playing sounds.
virtual void setDopplerFactor(float factor)
Sets the doppler factor.
virtual void setVolume(float volume)
Sets the overall device volume.
virtual float getVolume() const
Retrieves the overall device volume.
virtual DeviceSpecs getSpecs() const
Returns the specification of the device.
virtual std::shared_ptr< IHandle > play(std::shared_ptr< ISound > sound, bool keep=false)
Plays a sound source.
virtual void setSpeedOfSound(float speed)
Sets the speed of sound.
virtual float getDopplerFactor() const
Retrieves the doppler factor.
virtual void setListenerVelocity(const Vector3 &velocity)
Sets the listener velocity.
This class represents a quaternion used for 3D rotations.
Definition Math3D.h:206
This class represents a 3 dimensional vector.
Definition Math3D.h:36
Specification of a sound device.
Definition Specification.h:129
Specification of a sound source.
Definition Specification.h:119