34#include <condition_variable>
37#include <jack/ringbuffer.h>
50 jack_port_t** m_ports;
55 jack_client_t* m_client;
67 jack_ringbuffer_t** m_ringbuffers;
81 AUD_LOCAL static void jack_shutdown(
void* data);
89 AUD_LOCAL static int jack_mix(jack_nframes_t length,
void* data);
91 AUD_LOCAL static int jack_sync(jack_transport_state_t state, jack_position_t* pos,
void* data);
96 jack_transport_state_t m_nextState;
101 jack_transport_state_t m_state;
116 void* m_syncFuncData;
121 std::thread m_mixingThread;
126 std::mutex m_mixingLock;
131 std::condition_variable m_mixingCondition;
139 JackDevice(
const JackDevice&) =
140 JackDevice& operator=(
const JackDevice&) =
The default playback buffer size of a device.
Definition Audaspace.h:103
Closes the audaspace namespace aud.
Definition Audaspace.h:119
#define AUD_LOCAL
Used for hiding symbols from export in the shared library.
Definition Audaspace.h:80
Opens the audaspace namespace aud.
Definition Audaspace.h:116
Used for exporting symbols in the shared library.
Definition Audaspace.h:94
The JackSynchronizer class.
The SoftwareDevice class.
This class is a simple buffer in RAM which is 32 Byte aligned and provides resize functionality.
Definition Buffer.h:34
This class enables global synchronization of several audio applications if supported.
Definition ISynchronizer.h:39
void(* syncFunction)(void *, int, float)
The syncFunction is called when a synchronization event happens.
Definition ISynchronizer.h:52
void stopPlayback()
Stops jack transport playback.
JackDevice(const std::string &name, DeviceSpecs specs, int buffersize=AUD_DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE)
Creates a JACK client for audio output.
void setSyncCallback(ISynchronizer::syncFunction sync, void *data)
Sets the sync callback for jack transport playback.
void seekPlayback(double time)
Seeks jack transport playback.
virtual ISynchronizer * getSynchronizer()
Retrieves the synchronizer for this device, which enables accurate synchronization between audio play...
bool doesPlayback()
Returns whether jack transport plays back.
static void registerPlugin()
Registers this plugin.
double getPlaybackPosition()
Retrieves the jack transport playback time.
void startPlayback()
Starts jack transport playback.
virtual void playing(bool playing)
This function tells the device, to start or pause playback.
virtual ~JackDevice()
Closes the JACK client.
This class is a Synchronizer implementation using JACK Transport.
Definition JackSynchronizer.h:39
Empty default constructor.
Specification of a sound device.
Definition Specification.h:129