33#include <condition_variable>
48 std::vector<std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ISound>>> m_scenes;
63 std::shared_ptr<IHandle> m_currentHandle;
68 std::shared_ptr<IHandle> m_transitionHandle;
73 std::shared_ptr<IDevice> m_device;
78 std::atomic_bool m_transitioning;
83 std::atomic_bool m_stopThread;
88 std::atomic_int m_soundTarget;
98 std::thread m_fadeThread;
101 DynamicMusic(
const DynamicMusic&) =
102 DynamicMusic& operator=(
const DynamicMusic&) =
111 virtual ~DynamicMusic();
227 static void transitionCallback(
void* player);
228 static void sceneCallback(
void* player);
230 void crossfadeThread();
232 void fadeOutThread();
Closes the audaspace namespace aud.
Definition Audaspace.h:119
Opens the audaspace namespace aud.
Definition Audaspace.h:116
#define AUD_API
Used for exporting symbols in the shared library.
Definition Audaspace.h:93
Defines the IHandle interface as well as possible states of the handle.
Status of a playback handle.
Definition IHandle.h:31
double getFadeTime()
Gets the length of the crossfade transition (default 1 second).
void setFadeTime(double seconds)
Sets the length of the crossfade transition (default 1 second).
Status getStatus()
Returns the status of the current played back sound.
float getVolume()
Retrieves the volume of the scenes.
double getPosition()
Retrieves the current playback position of a sound.
DynamicMusic(std::shared_ptr< IDevice > device)
Creates a new dynamic music manager with the default silent scene (id: 0).
bool pause()
Pauses the current played back sound.
int getScene()
Retrieves the scene currently selected.
bool addTransition(int init, int end, std::shared_ptr< ISound > sound)
Adds a new transition between scenes.
bool changeScene(int id)
Changes to another scene.
bool stop()
Stops any played back or paused sound and sets the dynamic music player to default silent state (scen...
int addScene(std::shared_ptr< ISound > sound)
Adds a new scene to the manager.
bool resume()
Resumes a paused sound.
bool seek(double position)
Seeks in the current played back sound.
bool setVolume(float volume)
Sets the volume for the scenes.